Terms & Conditions
Gymnastics Ireland Mandatory Membership Agreement
1: MEDICAL INFOMATION Medical information provided will be treated as private and confidential by both Gymnastics Ireland and relevant member club. Please outline any medical information (i.e allergies, conditions, medication) which may impact on your health, welfare or behaviour while participating in our activities (for example – epilepsy, asthma, special dietary requirements etc…). Insert relevant medical information I consent to the sharing of my personal medical data outlined above for the purposes of delivery of my safe participation in gymnastics and administering medical assistance if required. Not providing consent will not affect your membership to the Club, however giving us consent to share this information will help volunteers and administrators to know how to respond effectively in the case of any medical emergency. Please confirm whether you wish to participate in our GymAble Programme and provide some background information as to why. This will help us identify a suitable club for you. You can find out more about the GymAble Programme online here.
2: MEMBERSHIP OPT-IN AGREEMENT By applying for membership of Gymnastics Ireland (GI) through a GI registered club I confirm the following:
• I understand and agree to abide by the constitution, rules and policies of Gymnastics Ireland, including but not limited to the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Policy/Strategy data protection policies, which can be viewed via the GI website via https://www.gymnasticsireland.com/about/structure-policy. Insert relevant information in your registraion form. 2 Sept 2024 - 2025
• I understand and agree to the responsibilities which I have regarding these policies
• I have read and understand the privacy notice which can be viewed via the GI website via https://www.gymnasticsireland.com/about/structure-policy/data-protection-privacy. This details how GI will treat the personal data I have provided to GI and forms part of GI’s data protection policies which are designed to ensure my data is processed in accordance with data protection legislation
• I confirm that I am not involved with the management or operation of any nonregistered/connected gymnastics club(s) or programme(s) outside of the GI club network
• I agree to allow GI and my member club to contact me in relation to the promotion of the sport of gymnastics and GI member services • I agree to allow GI to contact me regarding the services of official GI partners • I agree for the club to provide me with updates regarding club activities such as competitions, training, meetings and club events such as fundraising activities and social occasions
• I consent to photographs or video images being taken of me during my involvement in GI activities, which may be used to promote the sport by the club or Gymnastics Ireland.
• I consent to the sharing of my personal medical data outlined above for the purposes of delivery of my safe participation in gymnastics and administering medical assistance if required
• In the event of illness/injury, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered by a nominated first aider, or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If my next of kin cannot be contacted and I require emergency hospital treatment, I authorise a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication I confirm that I have read and understood the permission statements above and the data protection privacy notice.
I have read the important points above and have given my consent by ticking box. In the event of an under 18 member I as legal parent/guardian give my consent by signing below
For the safety and enjoyment of all our participants, these class procedures should be followed.
- Our classes for young children are a lot of fun and we want to ensure that all our participants are safe and ready to learn the wonderful sport of gymnastics – Before signing up for classes, children must be toilet trained, able to stay with their coach and follow directions. Although it’s natural to be a little shy starting off, kids must be happy to participate without parents. All classes/all age groups are drop-in classes. Parents may not stay in the hall/gym area during training session, unless invited to do so, by coach. Where available, parents can watch the fun from viewing area
- Gymnasts should wear leotard or tracksuit, leggings, shorts, tucked-in t-shirt and bare feet or gymnastics shoes only. Swim socks, socks with grips, crop tops and bare midriffs are not appropriate. If your child has a verruca, this must be covered with athletic tape (available in Boots) or gymnastics shoes, plasters will fall off. Long hair should be tied up & no jewellery, watches or items in their pockets. Children arriving to class in denims, dresses, costumes, ballet pumps or face paints may not be allowed to participate.
- Please ensure your child has used the bathroom before their class starts. Coaches frequently taking children to the bathroom, interrupts training and we would prefer to keep this at a minimum
- Bring a drink to every class and no food (except camps or display)
- Term fees must be paid online, before term begins. Places not taken/paid for by priority registration day are offered to children on the waitlist. We do not offer refunds for missed classes. Payable by term only, we do not take weekly payments.
- Gymnasts should be no more than 5 minutes early for class and should be collected on time.
- Gymnasts may not use apparatus once their class is over. Our coaches use this time to reconfigure equipment and adjust apparatus for the next session; it may not be safe. Children arriving for class should remain seated until their class commences. Children not enrolled in our class, should never play on equipment. We ask for the parent’s cooperation with this.
- For the safety and enjoyment of all our participants, any child whose behaviour is consistently disrupting training, will not be permitted to continue. Very young children, who are not yet able to take direction, will be asked to take a break from classes, until they are little older.
- Please remember to take belongings with you. We do not take responsibility for lost/stolen items.
- Gymstars Gymnastics will not tolerate any abuse against our staff or any behaviour that negatively affects our gymnasts & staff. We have the right to refuse service where child or parent/guardian has been disruptive or aggressive or has dropped off a child before paying fees.
- Gymstars or any of our staff are not responsible for any loss or injury during the class.
Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been prepared in accordance with the legislature requirements contained in the Children First Act 2015, Children’s First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017), the Children (NI) Order 1995, Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice 1995
Club Children’s Officer: Grainne O'Dwyer 0866820647 For any queries on this Child Safeguarding Statement, please contact our Club Children’s Officer